Happy New Year readers! I’ve finally returned – after a break of over a month with a new strip.
“Ain’t nobody can fly a car like Hooper.”
I saw this poster outside an Irish cinema whilst on holiday as a kid and it really captured my imagination! I so wanted to see it. The idea of ‘flying’ a car! Obviously he couldn’t fly a car – not even Burt Reynolds – but it was a funny tagline and a very very exciting poster.

Great poster and tagline – when you’re a 9 year old kid!
Great poster and tagline – when you’re a 9 year old kid!
I wonder what the film was actually like? That’s what I would have lain awake wondering at night. I didn’t see it. Still haven’t.
The posters in the 70s had to excite interest all by themselves – especially when the films were mediocre. Go on on then: tell me you really didn’t want to go and see see PIRAHNA? Or GRIZZLY?
** Stay Groovy, all you 1970s kids! **
– John White
I remember liking Hooper, but I don’t remember shit about it except the last jump!
I never saw Hooper at all! 9 or 10 year old me just loved the movie poster. The film probably had boobs in it so I couldn’t go anyway :0
This is great. Somehow the bit that tickles me most is the words “Later – inevitably:”. And I love the fact that Star Wars is on the periphery of these strips – a seismic event that has not yet happened.
Thanks Darren. You seem to be tuned-in perfectly with my style!
Do kids still jump their bikes off stuff? I used to get some decent air at full speed off ramps and curbs. Kids would build ramps on the sidewalk in front of their houses and leave them up for others else to try. My mom or neighbors would patch me up when I fell. How am I still alive?
I think they do Phil. Lots of ’em have stunt bikes and even BMX ones are still being made. Imagine if we saw then, what some of these guys can do today? We’d have killed ourselves! like the Red Bull X-Fighters! Somersaults and handstands!
This is great, John. We all built little ramps in our gardens 🙂
And you really need to catch up with the Burt films – do them all in one go, Hooper, Gator, Cannonball Runs, Smokey and the bandit, White Lightning – DO THEM ALL!
Ha! I must say Neil, I was very fond of ‘Smokey and the Bandit’ when I was a kid – mainly because of Jackie Gleeson. Was it in ‘Gator’ that Burt quipped to the gangster: “I met your bouncers a minute ago. I bounced one over the bar and the other through that wall.”
‘Deliverance’ is great too, of course 😉