The Cheese Triangles arc (Pt. 5)
Jack rushes to warn his pal Jim of the dangers of « abusing cheese-triangles by snacking before bed – but alas, it would have been better if he hadn’t said anything to him at all! For Jim, the temptation to glimpse his future – no matter how plastic, day-glo and horrid it might be – proves to be too great…
I’m A-Glow!
As I said on the official Facebook Page yesterday, I’ve had a few medical distractions lately, so I’m especially pleased to have met my self-imposed Wednesday deadline again. IT’S A BIT OF A RUSH-JOB, QUALITY WISE – but it’ll have to do for now. Sorry 🙁
I’m sitting in the Clinic at the moment awaiting word on my SPECT/MRI scan for my back troubles, and I’m having to keep my distance from other people – especially pregnant women and children – for 24 hours, due to the radioactive substance that they injected into me! I don’t look like Mark Pillows’ Nuclear Man character in Superman 4 – or even the Ready Brek kids, glowing while on their way to school, but I’ll consider my daily breakfast of Ready Brek in the 1970s as good preparation, as I contemplate my next 24 hours as a walking Radioactive Bomb!

Someone’s been eating his Ready Brek! Mark Pillows, as Nuclear Man, in Superman IV (I accidentally typed ‘Unclear Man’ at first. Hmmm. That gives me an idea…)
Back to a Job in Animation?
I’ve recently been thinking about going back into the animation industry. It’s absolutely booming here in Ireland, with scores of home-grown companies operating and producing award nominated and award winning films and to shows. I’m talking about Emmys, BAFTAs and Oscars!
Web Design really wasn’t good for me over most of the last 17 years or so, and besides, everyone’s at it now and jobs are scarce. It’s also becoming more and more horribly technical and annoying! It was a waste of my rarer abilities. Oh, and there’s a race-to-the-bottom going on in that space.
So we’ll see. I’m going to start meeting some animation people and discover what I might have to offer them. Maybe I can get back to doing a job that’s actually creative and fun, and that uses my favourite skills. It’d be quite a thing, if I was to come full-circle, back to animation, after 20 odd years.
20 very odd years.
I hope you enjoy today’s episode, gang.
** Stay Groovy, all you 1970s kids! **
– John White
If you enjoy today’s strip and article, please leave a ‘comment‘ so that I know? And please ‘Share’ it – in whichever way you prefer. Every bit helps, to get my comic ‘out there’ – and – encourages me to stick at it.
Jim in the last panel looks like a classic Dawn of the Dead zombie. I remember seeing the preview commercials for that movie in 1978. Scared the bejeezus out of me. I didn’t actually see it until just a few years ago and it’s held up pretty well!
He does indeed! Even though I was really going for the ashen, sick, look 🙂
Believe it or not, Phil, I actually dialled the grey skin back a bit! Originally his face was a more bluey-grey.
I like the way you’ve paced these instalments, John — a very busy and intense episode last time followed by something simpler. If they’re ever assembled in a printed volume, I think that’ll really work.
Like Phil, I particularly love the last panel. I think Jim looks like a cross between a Romero zombie and the monster from one of the lesser Universal Frankensteins.
Great to see B*W on such good form — I hope you’re able to keep up the weekly episodes.
Hiya Darren,
Yes, I like the variety too. If it was a gag strip I suppose each one’d have a similar rhythm and technique but there’s more of a continuing narrative thing happening.
This one ended up with a sort of 1, 2, 3, punchline/peak! and 3, 4, second-punchline/peak rhythm but it was kind of accidental in a way. I suppose I should think about it more, but that’d get in the way of the story.
I’m working on the coming Wednesday installment right now 😉